Thursday, June 19, 2008

Slightly off axis

“Element is slightly off axis and may cause inaccuracies.”

How often do you get the above warning? So what exactly is it!

From the help file:

Problem: This warning is triggered by elements based on lines that are misaligned —by 1x(10^-9) to .2 degrees— with either the horizontal or vertical directions, or with a line at 45 degrees to the horizontal/vertical direction.

The problem can be caused by sketching or rotating elements when angle snaps are turned off, or it can result from pre-existing elements when you do any of the following:

  • Create an element by picking a slightly off-axis face or line.
  • Align an element to a slightly off-axis reference.
  • Explode an AutoCAD import that contains slightly off-axis lines.
  • Create floor area faces on a mass that has slightly off-axis geometry.
  • Snap defining line ends to references that are slightly off-axis (such as imported drawings or 2 columns that are not properly aligned).
  • Snap defining line ends to references that are positioned correctly in their respective contexts but the line between them is slightly off-axis (such as snapping to 2 different ceiling grids).

Off-axis problems need to be resolved, because Revit Architecture cannot create dimensions between lines that are not exactly parallel, and cannot join or cut geometry if faces are slightly off-parallel or have very small gaps due to off-axis elements.

Solution: Depending on the cause of the problem, do one of the following:

  • Drag the end of the off-axis element a short distance and let it snap to the axis.
  • Repeat the rotation operation with angle snaps turned on.
  • If the inaccuracy is derived from pre-existing elements, correct them and repeat the operation.
  • If the problem is caused by imported data, consider correcting it in the original software and re-importing it into Revit Architecture.

1 comment:

Tristram said...

Honestly, Revit should not be the limiting factor here. If you have too many lines off axis Revit tends to mess up. It annoys me how Revit tends to limit the Architecture, and thus the reason why I've gone back to AutoCAD & 3DS Max.